Here (use ``Save Link As'') are the files for all the comparisons we did in "Combinatorial Auctions: A Survey". (To uncompress them on a unix box, use either ``gtar xvfz problems.tgz'' or ``mv problems.tgz problems.tar.gz; gzip -d problems.tar.gz; tar xvf problems.tar''.) The archive contains 2560 files that we used for benchmarks; together they take about 280MB (the tgz-file is just 47MB light:). Each file has the following structure:
Here (use ``Save Link As'') are the files for all the comparisons we did in "On the Computational Feasibility of Combinatorial Auctions on all Subsets". (To uncompress them on a unix box, use either ``gtar xvfz almostadd12.tgz'' or ``mv problems.tgz almostadd12.tar.gz; gzip -d almostadd12.tar.gz; tar xvf almostadd12.tar''.) The archive contains 2550 files that we used for benchmarks; together they take about 245MB (the tgz-file is just 71MB light:).
The files are named by the following convention:
This page used to reside at: until about 2007.