Prof. Dr. Olaf Post
Prof. Dr. Olaf Post
Funktion: Professorship for Applied Analysis
Room: E 218
Phone: +49 651 201-3498
Trier University
Faculty IV - Mathematics
54286 Trier
Research interests
- Spectral and operator theory
- Analysis on graphs and graph-like structures
- Convergence of operators in varying spaces and applications in Mathematical Physics
- Spectral graph theory
- PhD student Sebastian Zimmer, Research area: Convergence of operators in varying spaces, phone +49 651 201-3507, zimmerseuni-trierde, Raum E 209
- Sektretary Lisa Schmitt, phone +49 651 201-3493 schmitt_lisauni-trierde, Raum E 216
- In the winter term 2023/2024 I am teaching the introduction to Mathematics for future teachers (Einführung in die Mathematik für das Lehramt) as well as three seminars (for Bachelor, Master and Education studetns)
- The current lectures and seminars can be found on StudIP. Please ask me if you have further questions.