Mathematical Optimization Methods for the Remediation of Groundwater Contaminations
The purpose of the project was to develop optimization methods for use in the remediation of
groundwater contaminations. The concern over groundwater contaminations has been growing steadily
in the past decades for various reasons, including an overall increased sensitivity towards
environmental issues and improved effectivity in the numerical treatment of the arising problems due
to advances in scientific computing.
Modeling and simulation of groundwater contaminations have been among the hydrologist's tools for more
than a decade. However, the optimization of, e.g., well placement and pumping capacities, has often not
been practical - although it promises to cut costs and time required in decontamination. One reason for
this lack of practicability is that standard commercial software codes can not solve the problems that
arise in groundwater modeling which are problems of optimal control governed by partial differential
equations. The partial differential equations model groundwater flow and contaminant transport. Their
numerical solution gives rise to large and difficult-to-solve systems.
Thus it is essential to exploit the special structure of the underlying problem. The goal of this
project was to develop specific optimization methods, using the latest numerical research results,
that can be effectively applied in groundwater modeling.
These methods were not only tested on academic example problems, but also on data arising in practice.
This possibility was provided by TGU GmbH, a company of consulting engineers for groundwater
and water resources.
The project was sponsored by Forschungsfonds des Landes Rheinland-Pfalz,
Stiftung Rheinland-Pfalz für Innovation, the research group Numerik
of the University of Trier and the external partner
Technologieberatung Grundwasser und Umwelt GmbH. Beginning in January 1997, the project was
realized until October 2000 in collaboration with Astrid Battermann, Marco Fahl, Patrick Justen,
Friedemann Leibfritz, El-Sayed Mostafa and Michaela Schulze.
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